
24 August 2009

Finally Getting Round To It

So after eventually getting round to doing something productive with my summer I've joined 'Bully Free Zone' in Bolton town centre. Following my first meeting with Pete at the not-to-be-much-longer main house on Palace Street, the following Friday I had my first meeting with some more regular and long standing volunteers, Jenneh, Sarah, Nayan and Alisa.

The main emphasis of the meeting was to think of some ideas for, activities and events which could be done to raise the profile of BFZ and to provide entertainment for children who benefit from the time and effort BFZ provides for them.

After much fumbling about and Jaffa cake eating we eventually came up with some ideas (after much prompt from Pete...) using the handouts and volunteered for activities already suggested that we do and those which we felt we could do, hence why I’m writing this blog. Ideas suggested and volunteered for included:

Fundraising events
'Film Night'
A Video production
A drama production

It was then decided that the following Thursday (6/8/09) we would meet and work on the video production as well as a viewing of the new head office on Chorley Old Road. Much fun ensued…

from the Chris @ BFZ blog

11 August 2009

Guess-the-google! Addiction Alert!

Possibly one of the most addictive things i have come across online for a while. Give it a go and see if you can beat the high score.
